If you are new to the blog then you may not know that I broke my rib eating a Rice Krispy treat. I could give you the backstory, but I prefer just leaving this little factoid here to confuse and concern you. But, I think it goes without saying that I have quite a sorted history with the Rice Krispy treat.
The other day, my dealer dropped off all the goods. And by that I mean my friend brought over all the ingredients to make some epic rice Krispy treats. Thanks a lot Meg, for enabling my habit. I paid her back though by making a batch of the best ever treats and I brought some to her house. The problem was that she wasn't home, and apparently the squirrels helped themselves. I cannot blame them, though, because I behave a little like a wild animal when I am around a pan of these things so I can hardly expect actual wild animals to show self-restraint.
I also brought some of these #foodsofaffirmation to the mom who volunteered to host 25 7th and 8th grade cross country runners for spaghetti dinner. I brought the cups and plates and chocolate milk, but I figure that after hosting that many tweens, mama might need to go a little squirrel herself on something marshmallow-based.
Secret ingredient: one ton of Amish butter.
Three tons of marshmallows.
Gotta add some last minute minis, to be safe.
No wonder the squirrels helped themselves.
My little assistant did a much better job yesterday. He worked hard on his "tunafish attitude." And while I know he meant "selfish attitude" I think tunafishy is a quite fitting descriptor of selfishness.
Although when we delivered treats to the classroom assistants at school, he did covet just a titch.
For Day 29, I made a calendar for my friend Regular Ben. Regular Ben is the mastermind behind this new, beautiful website and also the boyfriend to my dear friend and sister from another mister, Lexi. As a thank you gift for all the hard work he did, I joked that I would make him a calendar of pictures of Lexi. Not a dirtbag calendar or anything... just twelve months of Lexi's face.
I peppered in a few gems like this.
This all started as a joke to annoy Lexi.
Mission accomplished.
This girl deserves way more than I could ever possibly do to repay her for every kindness she has shown to me and my family over the years. Lexi is more than a friend, she's family. In fact, my kids call her Aunt Lexi. So when these two jerks sent me a picture of a fake proposal, I was thrilled. Before I knew that I was being punked, I told the kids that they would have to upgrade Ben to "Uncle Ben." When I found out that they were, in fact, the worst... We downgraded back to "Regular Ben." And Regular he shall remain until further notice.
Speaking of further notice... I maaaaay have helped him out with a suggested timeline built right into the calendar! Did you know that you can personalize the dates!? Well, you can. Regular Ben just has to do what's on his calendar and he will be upgraded back to "Uncle Ben" in no time.
So For Day 29, I customized an #ALATT (All Lexi All The Time) calendar for 2017.
You're welcome, Regular Ben, you're welcome.