Day 4: To Give of Yourself
Today’s #AdamsActs were so enjoyable they felt almost selfish really. To start the day, I took some friends out for breakfast. This is the first time in about 13 years that I have only one child home with me, so I actually have a little bit of freedom and flexibility during the day. So, going out while the sun is out with other adults is a luxury that I forgot even existed for some people, and it felt nearly indulgent to do such a thing. I treated two amazing women to a breakfast that was so good, that I could hardly call it a sacrifice.
First, the company. My friend Lexi has been an unbelievable support to me. During some very hard seasons in the past 7 years, this girl has stood my side so faithfully. She is always encouraging me, serving our family in a hundred different ways, and perpetually nagging me into being productive. For all those years of friendship, she gets rewarded with a breakfast sandwich.
Lexi and I drove out to pick up our friend Karolin, and I don’t even know where to begin with that one. This girl is one of the strongest people I know. She’s one of those people who is loved by everyone who has the privilege of knowing her. She has a great sense of humor (a major pre-requisite to be one of my favorites), a passion for teaching, and a heart for under-funded city schools, a gift with children, a steadfastness in Christ that I have rarely seen lived out in all different seasons of life… the seasons of abundance and comfort, as well as the trials.
And trust me when I tell you that Karolin’s faith has been put to the test though trial after trial. I have watched her in awe as she has navigated some unfathomable hardships with a quiet strength that I am certain I will never possess in this lifetime. Her unwavering faith has been an example to me for many years, but particularly these past three and a half years as she has battled multiple bouts of Leukemia.
She recently found out that the cancer returned (the first relapse since receiving her bone marrow transplant) making this time around particularly discouraging. Still. Karolin spends her time reassuring others. Her relentless peace and trust in God in the face of much adversity continues to make an impression on all who come into contact with her, and I am so fortunate that I get to be one of those people.
An act of kindness for me would be for all of you to offer up all the prayers you can muster for this remarkable friend of mine who has been fighting leukemia like a boss for far too long. I’d also challenge those of you who are not yet registered to be a bone marrow donor, to do so. It is a very simple process and all the information can be found at
I remember, when I was only ten years old, my brother asked me to sign as the witness for his application to become an organ donor. I remember thinking it was so odd that a 16 year old kid would take the initiative to think through that decision and feel strongly enough about being an organ donor that he would fill out an application and have his kid sister sign it for him. Just one year later at the age of 17, saving and improving the lives of others through organ donation was Adam’s final act of kindness. Register to be an organ donor to let life come out of death, register to be a bone marrow donor to help warriors like Karolin beat this ugly disease, donate blood, donate money to a cause or a local church, donate your time by volunteering… these are all really tangible ways for us to, literally and figuratively, give of ourselves
My last two acts of kindness were simply giving an extra generous tip to our server, and buying a hot tea for Kayla, a college student with whom I had a meeting this afternoon. She and I have a big challenge ahead of us, so we are collaborating to solve all the world’s problems - by next week. It’s a big undertaking, I’m not gonna lie. I won’t get into all the nitty gritty of it just now, but let me just say that if we all served others the way my friend Lexi does, and if we all bravely faced our fears and loved others without discrimination the way my friend Karolin does, and if we all had the foresight and intentionality to be kind, even in our death, like my brother Adam did… then I have a feeling Kayla and I wouldn’t have such a big job ahead of us.